Sunday, September 30, 2012

Compulsory Heterosexuality and Lesbian Existence

     What I got out of Rich's article is that compulsory heterosexuality is just the act of being heterosexual due to societal pressures, whether or not that is a person's sexual orientation. Rich uses the example of lesbians in the work place. A lot of lesbians are almost forced to be in hiding not only in the workplace, but in public in general, because they do not want to be judged or fired based on that reason.
     As for Lesbian Existence, is there really such a thing? From what i read and understood in Rich's article is that they do not really 'exist' per se other than what i believe to be a fantasy world. It isn't right that they have to keep their feelings hidden from people. Why do they have to live double lives?

1 comment:

  1. Bobby- good start. I hope we can clear up lesbian existence for you this week with regards to your question as to why Lesbians (and all of those under the LGBTQ umbrella) hide.
